Cost Per Age Group

  • Tue/Thu: $110
  • Mon/Wed/Fri: $130
  • Full Time: $170
  • Drop In*: $55/day

  • Tue/Thu: $110
  • Mon/Wed/Fri: $130
  • Full Time: $165
  • Drop In*: $55/day

  • Tue/Thu: $110
  • Mon/Wed/Fri: $130
  • Full Time: $160
  • Drop In*: $55/day

  • Weekly: $115

  • Tue/Thu: $90
  • Mon/Wed/Fri: $110
  • Full Time: $145
  • Drop In*: $48/day

(One-time payment)
  • Tue/Thu: $55
  • Mon/Wed/Fri: $70
  • Full Time: $90

*Drop in is available for registered children only and based on space availability. Drop in fee is due the day of drop in.

Additional Fees

Annual Registraion: $80.

Late Payment: $5 late fee is added to the accounts that have not been paid by Wednesday each week.

Change of Schedule: $5 (see parent handbook for details).

Late Pick-up Fee: $5 is recorded for every 5 minutes your child is late being picked up.

Return Check Fee: $25.

Multiple Child Discount: When both children are enrolled full-time, the second child receives a $5 weekly discount. Families with three children enrolled full-time will receive a 40% discount on the third child's tuition (lowest tuition rate receives the discount).

Faith Academy is licensed by the Arkansas Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The center is routinely inspected by Arkansas DHHS and the Cabot Fire Department. In the event of a complaint concerning the welfare of a child; per state law, all children are subject to interview by the Child Care Licensing Unit, Special Investigation Unit and/or the Division of Children and Family Services.